Chronic or acute back pain can be one of the most unpleasant pains in the human body.

It can be a sudden sharp acute pain, or a dull chronic pain that seemingly never leaves you. An acute condition is where the pain is severe and continues over a few days. The condition becomes chronic is if it persists for more than 3 months.

Doctors will recommend medical intervention if the pain is acute or if the chronic pain continues for more than just a few days.

What can cause back pain in an individual?

Various conditions including sports injury, spinal stenosis, sciatica, herniated disc, spine injuries, fractures, spondylitis and tumors can lead to back pain. If you suffer from severe back pain the treatments can be minimally invasive such as plasma injections or discogel, or more even require minor surgery. Most sports injury caused back pain is due to the lower back muscle or tendon getting strained or torn. If you don't practice good posture, frequently lift heavy objects or even twists the lower back suddenly which happens to athletes often, it can have a direct impact on your spine.

Some individuals may be subjected to back pain due to tilted pelvis or weak abdominal muscles which can increase the risk. It can results in stiffness of the back, inability to maintain correct posture, restricted movement and muscle spasms which make it very uncomfortable for the patient to carry on with normal activities.

Our physicians at Montreal International Clinic with extensive experience in treating both acute and chronic conditions will request you to take a brief medical exam and check your previous medical history before recommending the best course of treatment.

If you are suffering from either acute or chronic conditions, and you want the best pain treatment options Montreal International Clinic provides comprehensive spinal care treatment at our wellness hospital. In addition, our center provides Disc gel injections, which can also be used for athletes afflicted with injuries, enabling you to go back to competing and regular activities with minimal discomfort. We ensure cutting edge treatment, compassionate care and thorough analysis of post treatment care. Schedule an appointment by calling the number listed on our website.


Our Neuro Spinal Specialist

Dr. Ashraf Shatla

Dr. Ashraf Shatla had practiced as a Neurosurgeon since his graduation from Edinburgh University in 1990. He practiced his specialty as Consultant Brain & Spinal all over "Europe, Canada, USA and Middle East.

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