What is Sciatica?

If you are suffering from Sciatica it can be a symptom of a much bigger problem. It is a common occurrence of the narrowing of the spine, when a herniated disc compresses part of the nerve. Sciatica results in swelling, pain and numbness in your leg. There are two types of pain a patient can experience with this condition. First, there is a dull pain which is usually resolved within a few weeks. However, in the case of severe pain the patient may need thorough treatment and care. If you experience bladder or bowel changes and significant leg weakness, you may be in need of surgery.

Let's look at some of the common symptoms of Sciatica.

  • Constant pain on one leg or side of the buttocks
  • Increased pain when sitting
  • Leg pain that is akin to tingling, burning or even searing
  • A sharp pain making it difficult for you to stand or walk

Montreal International Clinic offers comprehensive treatment for patients with this medical condition. Our specialist doctors will provide a thorough medical exam and analysis to determine the root cause of the pain. Upon your medical reports, our doctors will make an informed decision with you to proceed with the best form of treatment. Request for an appointment today, or make a booking by calling the number listed on our website.


Our Neuro Spinal Specialist

Dr. Ashraf Shatla

Dr. Ashraf Shatla had practiced as a Neurosurgeon since his graduation from Edinburgh University in 1990. He practiced his specialty as Consultant Brain & Spinal all over "Europe, Canada, USA and Middle East.

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