There are usually small spaces in the spine. When these spaces narrow Spinal Stenosis can occur. It causes pressure on your spinal cord and nerves. This condition is known to occur in the lower back or your neck. It is a common condition in patients over the age of 50. However, it is not to say that younger patients do not experience this medical condition as well.

Spinal Stenosis has no symptoms; however, depending on the severity of the pressure placed on your spine patients may experience numbness, pain and weakness. And in some cases it can lead to bladder and bowel problems.

What causes Spinal Stenosis?

This condition can occur through aging. It is a natural process of growing older. After decades of normal wear, where pressure is applied to the spine, it can become compressed. Other common causes are related spine conditions, injury or accident.

What about younger patients?

If you are below 50 years, it can mean you had a congenital birth defect which resulted in a small spinal canal.


What you need is comprehensive spinal treatment for Spinal Stenosis, a minimally invasive surgery at a state of the art treatment facility. We have a team of specialist doctors and expert assistants who work around the clock to provide the best treatment for spinal cord conditions in Dubai. Montreal International Clinic ensures patients receive outstanding treatment and care, enabling you to lead a normal and healthy life from here on wards.


Our Neuro Spinal Specialist

Dr. Ashraf Shatla

Dr. Ashraf Shatla had practiced as a Neurosurgeon since his graduation from Edinburgh University in 1990. He practiced his specialty as Consultant Brain & Spinal all over "Europe, Canada, USA and Middle East.

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