Osteoarthrirtis is an inflammation of the joint cavities. It can lead to the destruction of the lining membranes and supporting ligaments of the joint as well as the  capsule holding the joint.  It is more common in middle age, and especially overweight patients. Females are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis than men. Hereditary factors also play a role in the disease.

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition limiting joint movement and restricting activities. The joints gets swollen due to fluid effusion and it becomes very painful to move them. If the condition is not treated it can end with the destruction of the joint and this would then lead to joint replacement surgery. Common joints osteoarthritis affects are the knee joint, hip joint, shoulder joint and facet joints.

Early treatment with minimally invasive injections markedly help in reversing the process of inflammation, and with repair of damaged tissue. If done early, minimally invasive treatments and advanced injections can significantly avoid the need for joint replacement.

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